Hot Mix Asphalt Materials, Mixture Design and Construction, 3rd Edition
NAPA Store
E. Ray Brown; Prithvi S. Kandhal; Freddy L. Roberts; Y. Richard Kim; Dah-Yinn Lee
Government/Academia: $100.00
Member: $100.00
Non-Member: $100.00Your price
ISBN: 978-0-692-78646-8
Pages: 715
Third edition, third printing (January 2023).
An expanded, updated, and corrected edition of the best-selling textbook created by the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT). The premier textbook for university instruction on asphalt pavements and an excellent reference book for anyone wanting to know more about asphalt technology. The third edition includes new sections covering manufacture and evaluation of asphalt materials and aggregates; design of asphalt pavement mixtures; characterization of asphalt pavement mixes in terms of engineering properties; construction; performance and maintenance; and rehabilitation of aging asphalt pavements.
Textbook sales are non-refundable.