Asphalt Paving in Private Market Applications Series: Asphalt Mix Design in Commercial Applications
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Dr. E. Buzz Powell, P.E., Associate Director and Research Professor, National Center for Asphalt Tec
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Published: 4/12/2021
The NCAT Pavement Test Track has been used by state DOTs to execute innovative, relevant, and implementable research for over 20 years. Three primary focus areas have included mix/materials (i.e., what is ideal for each layer), structural pavement design (i.e., what thickness is required to prevent expensive, deep distresses), and pavement preservation (i.e., what surface options can provide the lowest possible life cycle cost). Virgin, low RAP, high RAP, and 100 percent RAP options have been explored. Cost effective combinations of these options are often possible in the commercial market for new construction and/or maintenance/rehabilitation of existing facilities in a manner that may not be possible yet in agency work. Profitable solutions that provide both customer value and sustainability that have been vetted at the NCAT Pavement Test Track and within the NCAT+MnROAD Pavement Research Partnership are reviewed in this presentation.
Top 3 Takeaways for Attendees:
1) Value engineering commercial projects can improve sustainability for clients and profitability for paving contractors;
2) Targeted use of virgin, reclaimed, and recycled materials can lower cost and improve performance; and
3) Mix additives and custom binders have the potential to reduce thickness and expedite construction.